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Writer's pictureLouise Mercieca

Bloating; Can You Improve Digestive Health?

Being bloated is an unpleasant sensation. Abdominal bloating can make you feel constantly full, making it uncomfortable to eat. Additionally, bloating causes a swollen tummy, which can be hard to the touch and can feel painful. If you’re wearing tight clothes, it is going to be visible. Some people experience severe bloating that can make it difficult to participate in social or professional activities.

While bloating is often harmless, generally caused by the presence of air or gas in the gastrointestinal tract, it remains an uncomfortable and painful experience. How can you improve your digestive health to remove bloating risks?


Stress can dramatically shut down your digestive system, slowing down digestion and causing painful symptoms. Indeed, according to research, stress can lead to abnormal bowel movements, which can lead to constipation in some cases and the accumulation of gas in the digestive tract. Additionally, your body may not be able to absorb nutrients effectively, which can lead to build-ups and excessive gas production. Getting anxiety under control is no easy task. However, individuals who are prone to high stress have found that stress management solutions and relaxing activities such as yoga can eliminate most bloating complaints.

Focus on anti-inflammatory foods

Excess gas in the stomach can be linked to the ingestion of inflammatory foods. What does inflammatory food do to your body? It can lead to swelling in the cells and increase health risks by disrupting bodily functions. Sugar, for instance, can not only affect insulin resistance, but it also causes inflammation within the cells that line the blood vessels. It is also harder for the body to digest, as a result. In moderation, a healthy digestive tract can process inflammatory foods. However, in excess, it can disrupt digestion and cause bloating. You can support healthy digestion with anti-inflammatory food, such as berries, honey or even organic CBD honey, which delivers additional health benefits. Anti-inflammatory foods can help your digestion!

Low-gluten diets can tackle sensitivity

Around 1% of the UK population has coeliac disease, making them gluten intolerant. However, you may be gluten sensitive, which means that your body has trouble digesting and processing large quantities of gluten. If this is the case, you may experience bloating after gluten-rich meals. Switching to a low-gluten diet can soothe the bacterial ecosystem inside the digestive tract.In the long term, you can reduce bloating permanently. A low-gluten diet doesn’t need to eliminate gluten-based foods. However, you need to consume gluten in moderation to notice gastrointestinal improvements.

Keep a journal

Everybody is different. Identifying the cause of your bloating is unique to you. You may find it easier to keep a journal of your health. Tracking mood swings, food, sleep patterns, and energy levels can help you narrow down options. For instance, poor sleep quality can affect your digestion. Similarly, you may also realise that a badly timed workout can disrupt digestion. In other words, monitor your days to spot patterns and avoid bloating risks in the future.

Bloating is the result of disturbances in your digestion. These are likely the result of high-stress levels, inflammatory foods, or light gluten sensitivity. Keeping a health journal can make a difference in improving your digestive health and eliminating bloating completely. The bottom line is, as with many elements of health, you can learn from today’s mistakes to get better tomorrow and each day after!

I look forward to supporting you & hope to see you soon.

Louise Mercieca

Nutritional Therapist

Personal Trainer

Award-winning Author

Food writer

Presenter on Early Years TV Food

Keynote speaker

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