It's nearly #PancakeDay and the shops are full of all the weird and (in my opinion) not so wonderful toppings!
I have come up with a healthier range of #pancake #recipes for you to try! These include savoury green pancakes (I do like Green food) and how to have pancakes as a #nutritious and balanced meal not just with lemon and sugar!
Pancake Recipes
There's a few to choose from on my Healthy Pancake Link: -
Banana Pancakes
Almond Milk Pancakes
Green Pancakes
Sweetcorn Pancakes
Take a look here -
Chick Pea, Ricotta and Spinach Pancakes
Chickpea flour (gram flour) 200g
Olive oil
1 onion diced
Garlic 1 clove, crushed
Nutmeg a grating
Baby spinach 300g, plus a handful of raw leaves
Ricotta 50g
Whisk the flour, with 300ml water. Leave to sit for at least 30 minutes. Heat 1 tsp oil in a frying pan and gently cook the onion without colouring until soft, about 8 minutes. Add the garlic, cook for another minute, then add the nutmeg and the spinach, and stir. Stir in the ricotta, and season with black pepper.
Brush a non-stick frying pan with olive oil, then spoon enough batter into the pan (swirling it) to make a thin pancake. Turn over after 2 minutes, or when the edges have set. Cook for 2 minutes more before adding a spoonful of the spinach mix and folding in half. Repeat until all the batter and filling have been used – you should make about 4 pancakes. Keep them warm in a low oven as you go along. Serve with spinach leaves and a poached salmon fillet
Fun Pancake Facts
You never know when a Pancake based question may come up in a pub quiz! So take note of these pancake facts!
Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) is traditionally celebrated to mark the first day of Lent
Traditionally during Lent foods such as eggs, sugar etc were not to be eaten so using them up in Pancakes was the tastiest way to use everything up!
In the UK approx. 52million eggs are eaten on Pancake Day, that's a smashing 22million more than on other days of the year!
In the US Pancake Day is referred to as Mardi Gras which is French for 'Fat Tuesday;
A village in England called Olney, Buckinghamshire celebrates Shrove Tuesday with a pancake race, they were the first to celebrate Pancake Day in this way and have been racing since 1445.
It is thought that pancakes were invented by the Romans over 2000 years ago!
The highest recorded pancake flip was 329cm high
The most pancake flips is recorded as 349 flips in 2 minutes!
The biggest recorded pancake weighed a whopping 3 tonnes!
Andrei Smirnov from Russia holds the record for eating the most pancakes.He managed to munch 73 in just one hour! (DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!)
My message is to promote awareness of the food and #health link rather than following campaigns that could be misleading. If you would like further information on how I work then take a look at the following link :)
Not Your Average Weight Loss Course
This course helps you understand #obesity as a medical combination of issues, I do not simply tell you to eat less and move more! It helps you understand #emotional eating, the truth about diets and what every-day steps you can take.
Family Health, Nutrition Support Course
For more of a 1:1 service I do have a modular family health online course. There's more information on this below.
Once you join a course you then get access to a closed Facebook group and a monthly webinar with me.
I look forward to supporting you & hope to see you soon.
Louise Mercieca
Nutritional Therapist
Personal Trainer
Award-winning Author
Food writer
Presenter on Early Years TV Food
Keynote speaker