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Hi! I'm Louise Mercieca, Award-winning Nutritional Therapist, Award-winning author, podcaster and generally on a mission to educate with the right information on how food and health are linked.


I feel the best way to help to shape the health of the next generation is via education. Education enables empowerment. Food doesn’t just fill us up it shapes our every movement, action and emotion. Understanding all of this (at a basic level) is the key to being as in control as you can be of your own health journey.


To make nutrition education accessible and reflective of the real impact which food has on our physical and mental health. To make biology fun and ultimately, to help to shape the health of a generation.

My Book

My multi award-winning book How Food Shapes Your Child helps parents and families to navigate the confusing world of nutrition with child-friendly biology and family-friendly recipes which are easy to implement. 


For parents and celeb reviews of my book - take a look here - it's always better when someone else 'sings your praises'

My Courses

My new range of Early Years Courses are designed to help Early Years Professionals interpret the guidance in terms of Nutrition.  There's little support other than 'include a healthy balanced diet' this is very much left open to interpretation.  My courses offer theory and background knowledge into WHY early years nutrition is so important but also gives the practical information to use in your settings to easily implement a stand-out nutrition policy that sets you apart from your competitors.

Consultancy Support

I offer consultancy support to Nurseries, Schools and catering providers hands-on support on menu development to ensure that they meet, or preferably go above and beyond the guidance and show that they fully understand the importance of early years nutrition.


This could be a full menu review or a specific project such as a stand-alone weaning menu or creation of allergy specific meals.


Fore reviews of people I have worked with take a look here.

Writing services
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I also love writing and produce many articles linking nutrition and health.

I can take a subject and link it back to the ways in which food has an impact, this can help with guest blogs and featured articles for specific publications or organisations.


I have provided content for Apps and information for eBooks.


Take a look here for a range of my writing work.

Radio Show
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What role does nutrition have in the classroom? In my radio show Food For Thought on Teacher Hug Radio I take topics that make it easier for Teachers to understand what biological factors may be occurring which impact on a child during the school day.


To tune in click on the image for a listen.

Let's Talk About How Food Shapes Your Child Podcast
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With so many topics to discuss in the world of nutrition I interview a range of expert guests including authors, professors, documentary makers  and campaigners on current topics 


In the podcasts we have covered Mental Health, Food banks, Sugar, Men's Health, Diets, Government U Turn on Health and much more!


There's also a CPD Podcast series within my courses linking expert guests to the topics discussed in my courses.

Food Judge

I have been a Food Judge for The Nourish Awards since 2019 and helped to launch the Kids Awards in 2022.


These awards are vital for making healthier choices more mainstream and encouraging larger producers to join in with the healthier options.


It's also one of my favourite times of the year as I get to eat amazing products!

In the media

As with any important message it's important to shout about it!


I regularly pop up on BBC Radio and have featured in a few different places too - take a look here to see where.


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It's hard to sing our own praises so please take a look at where others have done this for me in the form of awards and nominations!

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