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Writer's pictureLouise Mercieca

How Healthcare Continues To Improve and Improve

There’s no avoiding the fact that there are problems in this world. However, it does sometimes feel as if people focus too much on the negative aspects of the world. The truth is that there’s plenty to be thankful for. It’s normal to romanticize the past, but by virtually every metric available, you would much rather be alive today than at most other points in history.

One area that we really feel the benefits of modern life is in healthcare, which is getting better all the time. In this blog, we’re going to look at some of the ways that healthcare continues to improve.

Better Understanding

If you want to understand how good healthcare is today, just look at how they used to diagnose people in the olden days -- let’s just say that it wasn’t the most scientific of approaches. Today, we have a much better understanding of what’s good and bad for humans; and even the bad things are identified much faster than in the past (how long did it take to figure out that smoking is bad for you?). This doesn’t just help with diagnosis but also helps with helping people to make positive lifestyle changes that’ll prevent conditions from developing.

New Technology

Technology has touched all areas of our lives, not always for the better, but it has had a profoundly positive impact on healthcare. It has improved the quality of everyday things like x-rays, boosted collaboration and medical innovation, and, thanks to the rise of the medical fridge, made it easier to transport medicines around the world. As well as having a direct impact on healthcare, technology also has an indirect positive influence. For example, with things like wearable tech, people can monitor the status of their health in ways that they couldn’t have done so before.

All the data that wearable tech produces can be used to build up a pretty good picture of a person’s health (for example, you can monitor their heart-rate/blood pressure over the course of months).

Mental Health Respect

In the olden days, to talk about health was to talk about physical health. Today, it can mean both physical and mental health. While the stigma around mental health has not vanished completely, it is markedly improved from how it was even just a couple of decades ago. In the process, we’ve learned how mental conditions can be treated, and that has had a huge impact on the lives of many people, who might previously have been left to figure things out on their own.

The Patient Experience

The patient experience is also much better than it was in the past. Today, there’s a greater emphasis on the overall care of a patient, rather than just a matter of fixing whatever ailment they have. From individual care to a range of options regarding things like where they’re treated and how, the patient has never had as much power as they do today -- and that has had a positive impact on patient satisfaction.

Louise Mercieca

Nutritional Therapist

Personal Trainer

Award-winning Author

Food writer

Presenter on Early Years TV Food

Keynote speaker

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